Call Today for a COMPLIMENTARY consultation!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Invisalign Open House
Friday, May 7th 8:00am - 12:00pm

This is a Special Invitation for friends and family of our patients to schedule a complimentary Invisalign COnsultation to consider whether Invisalign treatment is right for you. Dr. Nile Davis will be sharing exciting new possibilities that Invisalign treatment has to offer.  An Invisalign Representative will be present onsite to answer your questions.  If you have ever wondered if Invisalign is right for you, or even an option, call now to schedule your appointment for this special event.

For eligible* Invisialign Open-House Patients:
$800-off your Invisalign treatment
Complimentary records (x-rays, photos, impressions, etc...)-a $350 value.

Space is limited to the 15 appointments.
*Ask the scheduling coordinator about Invisalign Open-House patient elegibility.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

American Idol Contest

Are you ReAdY Dawg!?
{Season 9 Contest}
Get at least 5 questions correct on our entry form and you will be
eligible to win!  Our winners can download their favorite idol's music directly from the
American Idol website with a $25 iTunes gift card.  We are the GROOVIEST office!
{Contest Ends 5/14}
you could be our winner!!

Hale Elementary Carnival

March 26, 2010
We sponsered a booth at the Hale Elementary Carnival.
Thanks for coming and supporting us.
It was fun to see our patients and their families.

Kristal-Our Office Manager having fun wearing her CrAzY hat!

Kelly smiling while helping the kids with the clown toss!
Nicole and Sheri helping with the clown toss

{Our Winner of one of the scooters!}
We had lots of fun rafaling our prizes and helping the kids do the clown toss at our booth!

Jacquie helping with prizes and rafal tickets!

{Our second WiNnEr!! of the scooter}

Dr. Davis says "Hi!" as he blew up balloons for one of the booths!